Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Official release of 2015 Paddling for Pennies

That's right!  May 20-24, 2015 a group of us will be paddling the Neuse River again!

Our goal this year:  $15,000

We have chosen to work with  Capt Woodalls Fire Fighters Assisting Armed Forces Families (FFAAFF) as we did before and also Andrew Ladner at My United States Veterans Corps (MYUSVC).

We have chosen to provide for Ian S. McClanahan and his wife Danielle. He was wounded in a training incident in Nevada. He was also a Volunteer Firefighter in the small town of Fremont, NC. He is currently being treated at Walter Reed, has undergone over 140 surgeries and is expected to have hundreds more.

Also we will have chosen to provide for US Marine Ryan Wightman and his wife Melissa. 

For now were are in need of many things:

We need SPONSORS!!! 

We are in need of donations of the items for the bug-out-bags such as:

fire extinguishers
smoke alarms
72 hr survival kits
food (like MREs)
first aid kits 
gift cards for grocery stores and gas stations
and more!

Of course T shirts will be coming also.

We named this Paddling for Pennies because I only asked people for a penny a mile, that's $1.93. I'd like to have 1000 people donate a little instead of one donate all...
Thank you
